How to Have Your Most Successful Month EVER


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If you are anything like me, you absolutely love the beginning of new months! They are a fresh start and a new opportunity. The beginning of a month always excites me because there are endless possibilities, and you get to start with a clean slate.

But today, I want to actually focus on how you are ending the month. I want you to really analyze what you’re doing with your life, in your business, and the impact you’re making. I don’t want you to do all of the “ things” you think you are supposed to do in your business while not stopping to consider how they are working for you!


How are you ending this month? Do you feel like you’ve totally got this business thing in the bag? Are you frustrated and ready to give up? Or are you in disbelief that the month if already over and you never actually got around to doing all the things you said you needed to do??


If you are feeling ready to give up or you are tired of spinning your wheels in your business (believe me, I know this one ALL too well!), I have a few tips for you to turn your business around and have your most successful month ever.


1. If it hasn’t been working, do not continue to do it.

If your family doesn’t like spaghetti, would you continue to make it for dinner each week? Or if your child’s trampoline is blocking the driveway when you are backing out to meet at the park for a play date, would you leave it there and let it hinder you {this is a real thing in my life, y'all}? OF COURSE NOT!


You want to enhance your life (and the lives of others around you) and do things to the best of your ability, so you would never continue to keep doing the same things over and over again that were not working. You would never stop cooking just because your family doesn’t like one dish: you would look up other recipes and try again. You would never leave the trampoline in an area where you would back out and hit it: you would ask your husband to help you move it, or you would find a way to move it yourself (not that I have any experience in this area...ha!)


The same principle goes for business. You can’t keep relying on the same strategies that just aren’t working or trying to chug along on your own without the guidance and encouragement from others (we need encouragement - we are human!),


2. There is never a comfortable time to spend money.

Even when it’s something for myself that I know is necessary, I still feel that little twitch of guilt and think, “Oh my goodness, what if something comes up?!” or "Should I really be spending so much on myself? What about my family?" However, I don't live my life in fear. We aren’t called to live in fear. I simply spend wisely. Of course, living and spending wisely doesn't mean refusing to spend money on anything. If God has called you to a business, he doesn’t want you floundering: He wants you to thrive! If you're struggling in your business, more than likely, the only way to thrive is to invest into more training in your business. Whether that's a coach, resource, course, or even mentor, chances are, you're going to have to get out of your comfort and invest.

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. [Matthew 6:33]


3. Get plugged in!

I cannot emphasize enough how drastically my business changed when I invested in a business coach! Finally people were asking to buy my products, signing up for my programs, and all of the hard work I had been putting in behind the scenes was beginning to pay off! It was as if everything was falling into place. But finding excellent business coaching wasn't easy. I invested $1,500 into my first business coach who ended up being a flake {to put it nicely}. I was terrified to invest again, but I knew I needed a coach. So, I invested in a second coach {for the same price} after doing much research and that's when my business truly took off.


Believe me, it was scary and SO hard to invest in business coaching. I get the money struggle (we had to dip into our savings), but I knew that I didn’t want to continue to keep spinning my wheels. I had reached the point where I either had to get help or throw in the towel because it wasn’t worth to waste my life feeling frustrated with something I wasn’t willing to get help with to succeed.


If you need a place to get plugged in, I invite you to join the Proverbs 31 Mastermind! This mastermind is a one-of-a-kind Christ-Centered group that will provide you with everything you need for your business to grow by leaps and bounds {at a price that's actually affordable}!

In this group, you will receive:

  • One-on-One coaching with Ali Christian, Amy TilleyStephanie Klinger + other amazing guest coaches
  • Training in various business topics (branding, social media, time management, etc.) from expert guest speakers
  • 2 groups video calls each month with guest coaches and all group members; These calls will also include masterminding, Q & A, meeting your mastermind sisters face to face, prayer for your family & business, and more!
  • Strategy for growing an online business
  • A place to ask all of your business questions
  • Mastermind {brainstorm} with amazing Christian entrepreneurs
  • Network with other successful female entrepreneurs
  • Attain IG and FB besties to support your posts
  • The opportunity to join a tribe of kind-hearted women who have your back and support your business virtually & in prayer
  • 24/7 access to a community of business coaches and successful female entrepreneurs to ask any business-related questions + share your struggles and victories anytime
  • And more!


Ali Christian