Why I Told Someone To Shut Their Business Down


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Recently, I was chatting with a woman struggling with her business and we realized that she is not passionate about her business. Sometimes it can be hard to throw in the towel on your investments, so we both were going to pray about it and see if it’s what she should be doing.

Most of you may not know this, but I am actually a part of a multi-level marketing group. I started my entrepreneurial career as a Beachbody coach (and still am one) but I am more focused on my business helping women grow their own businesses.  I love network marketers and love how you can take any idea and make a business with it that serves God.  I was successful as a Beachbody coach, but I didn’t have a passion for it. I felt like the business was shaping me instead of me shaping the business.

I hired a business coach to help give me direction and it totally flopped.  I was out $1,500, but still didn’t want to quit.  I hired another business coach, and actually got more direction this time.  During this time, God put it on my heart to start a MOPS group at my church.  I developed this passion for helping and guiding women and started to pray for God to reveal what exactly I should be doing. From there, I felt led to start to my own business mentoring these women.

At the beginning, I was just trying to keep my head above water!  I hired another business who literally took me from hot mess to a successful entrepreneur.  Throughout this entire process, I continued to pray for my business. I asked God if it was what he wanted for my business, and continued to seek a way to honor him in whatever I landed on .  When we start, we can get caught up in network marketing, and not realize if it’s not the right fit.

I wanted to make a business work and didn’t give up, but God revealed to me that fitness just wasn’t my passion.  It was not my ultimate calling. My calling is to be a business mentoring coach for women. God used the platform of Beachbody to lead me to business coaching and mentoring women.  

If you are feeling like the business you’re in isn’t for you, first, stop and pray about it. God may not give you a clear sign that ‘yes’ you should be doing this or that, but he can develop the passions in your heart and lead you in the right direction. If you are stuck, maybe that’s God’s way of telling you that you need to invest in your business and figure out what you need to be doing. As soon as I hired a business coach, I was so surprised to see everything started coming together.

Proverbs 4: 6-7 says, “ Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.”

This verse has helped me so much as an entrepreneur.  It may cost all that you have and that is scary, but God tells us to get wisdom.  If you’re overwhelmed or frustrated in your business, find someone to talk to.  Find a coach. I would love to chat with you and pray with you about your business.  

It is not sinful to not talk to someone or not invest in your business.  But I want to encourage you to talk to someone who will encourage you in your business and give you the wisdom and direction you need. So, I might tell you to shut down your business IF you are not passionate about it, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be an entrepreneur. You can still use the gifts God has given you.  For me, that was switching from fitness coaching to business coaching and mentoring. Pray about the direction you need to go with the desires in your heart.

I want to leave you with 3 tips for your business or others who may need to hear it:

  1. Get wisdom - hire a coach or join a mastermind group. God gave me peace about joining a mastermind where I invested $2,000 in and it is already changing my business. My passions are coming alive, and I’m not spending time on guesswork. Refine your focus and skills. Hebrews 10:24-15 says, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another- and all the more as you see the Day coming,”  The power of community is absolutely amazing, through coaching and masterminding.  Message me or get a hold of me if you feel lost, guilty or overwhelmed. Let’s figure out a way you can use your talents to glorify God and help people.

  2. Do not try to just grow your downline - Are you able to provide them wisdom, community, and support? Is the person you are trying to add to your downline gifted in that area to help you grow? If you are gifted in that area, then you will know that what you are offering to them will truly be beneficial. If it’s not benefitting them, you could be sabotaging them or yourself.

  3. Be honest and upfront with your downline - Find out what is wrong if they are struggling. If it’s not the right fit for them, encourage them to stop OR provide them more support.

If you are struggling in your business, schedule a call with me and let’s talk through it.  I genuinely want to help you to figure out where your passion is and help you figure out what the next step is.  Be honest with yourself and pray for your business and that God will reveal your passion to you and help you make that next step. Join us over in the Proverbs 31 Entrepreneurs  group where I share weekly tips and insight for your growing business.

Ali Christian