Do You Have a Biz Bestie?


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The first time I really fell in love with the idea of community was back in college. I loved being around people who understood me: people who agreed with or respected my values, and people who encouraged me in my struggles. I practically melt when I think about just how much grace and love people have shown to me, even in my darkest hours and biggest failures.

I was saved in college. You can imagine just how much repercussion was involved after I got saved from living as a straight up hot mess for almost twenty years. The people in my life who prayed for me, were willing to have vulnerable conversations with me, and even speak truth into my life during that time are some of my best friends today (one of those being my hubby!).  I literally shed tears of joy when I’m around people who are willing to stand up and say, “I am in your corner, no matter how far, dark, or long you need me.”

We hear phrases all the time such as, “Community is everything” or "Build your tribe and thrive," and it can really grate on your nerves after awhile - especially if you’re not in a close-knit community. I know when I hear something time after time, I become annoyed and super skeptical, but hear me out! I promise I have a good reason for using such a “cliche” phrase.

Believe it or not, I’m the type of person who likes to take her own ideas and run with them. I typically do not share any information, or even thoughts about my ideas, until they are complete. I’ve never been naturally inclined to join a group of women to share ideas and encourage one another or stay in constant communication for accountability. This is mainly due to the fact that I’m horrible at responding to messages and don't truly enjoy texting or social media. That does not mean I don’t enjoy people - it simply means that the virtual community aspect does not come naturally to me (unlike my sister who calls my parents - who live about twenty minutes from us - five times a day just to chat).

However, I have discovered so much value from letting people in - into my thoughts and mind, asking questions, requesting resources, responding to messages promptly, even asking for prayer. Since discovering the power of community, I’ve let people literally hold me up on my hardest days through prayer, influence huge decisions, and have a front row seat to some pretty sticky situations, because I believe others can offer an amazing perspective when they are not in the midst of the storm.

And guess what, fellow entrepreneur sister? The same principle of community applies in my business (and it should in yours as well). It is so important to build, follow, and join a tribe of people who support you, inspire you, get you and your mission, and can offer advice and practical tips about how to grow your mission.


Here are a few ways I exercise community in my business (and you can too!):

1. Brainstorming with friends - It is so valuable to be able to bounce ideas off of likeminded women (your biz besties!) that truly want what’s best for you and your business.

2. Hiring a one-on-one coach - Having someone to truly invest in you and want to help you succeed in your endeavors is life changing!

3. Employing a team who truly gets me and is FOR my business - Teaming up with other women that understand your mission and vision and want to help others reach their potential will launch your business in ways you never thought possible.

4. Constantly being in a mastermind group or some type of group - Investing in yourself is absolutely vital, and being a part of a movement that is constantly supporting, encouraging, motivating, uplifting, and speaking life into you is THE best way to do just that!


I cannot tell you what a difference community has made in my business! I have NO idea where I’d be without the guidance of other amazing Christian women around me.. So, if you are floundering in your business right now I want you to ask you a few questions:

  • Are you surrounding yourself with people who can encourage you in your business & your walk with God?

  • Do you have a group of women who can uphold you in prayer, not only in your own life, but in your business, family, and all aspects of life?

  • Do you have a tribe of highly motivated women who know their business “stuff” who can provide you with answers to your questions?

  • Are you in a group of women that offer you their ideas that make light bulbs go off in your head (like Amy does for me)?

  • Do you have women in your life who are willing to share exactly what they’ve done to make their businesses thrive? Or even share the exact resources they use?

  • What about a place to help you hurdle those nagging business obstacles we all face?

  • Are you surrounding yourself with people who are successful and strive to reach their goals?

  • Are you skeptical whether or not you’re pursuing the right path in your life?


If the answers to most of those questions make you uncomfortable and you are constantly just spinning your wheels in your business, The Proverbs 31 Mastermind Group is just what you need.. This community is an amazing circle of women who will become your business sisters through a private mastermind group.


Here’s what you’ll get when you join:

  • One-on-One coaching with Ali Christian, Amy Tilley, Stephanie Klinger + other amazing guest coaches

  • Training in various business topics (branding, social media, time management, etc.) from expert guest speakers

  • 2 groups video calls each month with guest coaches and all group members; These calls will also include masterminding, Q & A, meeting your mastermind sisters face to face, prayer for your family & business, and more!

  • Strategy for growing an online business

  • A place to ask all of your business questions

  • Mastermind {brainstorm} with amazing Christian entrepreneurs

  • Network with other successful female entrepreneurs

  • Attain IG and FB besties to support your posts

  • The opportunity to join a tribe of kind-hearted women who have your back and support your business virtually & in prayer

  • 24/7 access to a community of business coaches and successful female entrepreneurs to ask any business-related questions + share your struggles and victories anytime

  • And more!


We already have an amazing group over in our private app who were making me laugh hysterically and encouraging me just this morning. Registration for this group closes Friday, so that means there are only TWO days left! I am seriously so pumped with the group that we have thus far, but if you need the unwavering support and encouragement from community mentioned above, we would love to have you as well! Click the button below to learn more about the Proverbs 31 Mastermind Group!

Ali Christian