7 Time Saving (and Life-Saving) Hacks


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As busy wives, moms, and entrepreneurs, we are constantly searching for ways to maximize our time. Let’s face it: time is precious and you can’t get it back. Learning how to get a better grasp on managing out time is one of the most important things we can do. So, today, I’ll be sharing my top seven time-saving (and let’s face it...life-saving!) hacks to utilize and implement in everyday life.


1. Focus on the task at hand

Stay focused on one task at a time. Try not to let yourself get distracted by other tasks, such as stopping to wash dishes while you’re on your way to fill up your water bottle {I know I’m not the only one who falls into the trap of following the mess, instead of your to-do’s!}  

2. Don't over-do it with the tasks at hand

When you are a perfectionist (or have a Type A personality!), it’s easy to get caught up in any task and go overboard, ultimately causing you to waste time Truth bomb: Most times less is actually more, so try not to sweat the small stuff and get caught up in the details. Keep plugging with your to-dos and move on quickly after sufficiently completing a task.

3. Always multitask

Multitasking is so controversial, but hear me out on this. While it’s true that multitasking with certain tasks will cause you to be less efficient in your work,  you can absolutely make the most of your time by multitasking with the right combinations. For example,  you can pray while you cook dinner, or read your Bible while getting your water intake in for the day. You can also listen to praise music or professional development podcasts while doing the dishes.

4. Stop going 100 miles a minute

When we try to complete everything in an ungodly amount of time,  we can never fully give our best to anything. In fact, we’ll be much less productive and sometimes literally spin ourselves into circles if we don’t slow down, focus on the task at hand, and give more effort to your project.

5. Don’t put 100 things on your to-do list for the day {or even week}

If the first thing you see when you wake up is a mile long list of tasks that need to be done for the day, the entire tone for the day will be stressful, rushed, and tiresome. Be sure to live from a daily schedule, and instead of  a list, and within that list, put a maintainable amount of to-do’s in each day. {Bonus tip: If you’re having an incredibly stressful day or unexpected events occur, create amust-do list. This list should only consist of a few items that MUST get done that day, allowing all other non-urgent tasks to take a back seat. .

6. Front load your week

I don’t know about you, but I’m more productive Monday than I am Friday. In fact, I look back on my week every Friday and think, “Wow I would never be motivated enough today to do all of that stuff!”Most people are significantly more productive on Monday than they are by the weekend. Try frontloading your week with the majority of important tasks on Monday and Tuesday so that you can have the weekend to rest and spend time with your loved ones {and possibly even take Friday off!}. You will be extremely grateful you did!

7. If you’re procrastinating, set a timer, and get done what you can within that short amount of time

Organizing, dishes, working on a project-whatever it is, we all procrastinate. The reason most of us procrastinate is because we’re discouraged we will not be able to complete the task effectively. If you find yourself procrastinating simply set a timer and work on that task only until the timer goes off. That way, you aren’t wasting countless hours sitting in front of something with absolutely no productivity. If you tell yourself you only have to work on something for 10, 15, or 20 minutes, you’ll be amazed how much you actually get done and how much less stressed you feel. This strategy will allow you to have small wins with a big, overwhelming project {or even a small task you’re just not looking forward to} and small wins are better than fatigue and discouragement



If you need more tips and tricks on how to manage your time more wisely, I invite you to join the Proverbs 31 Entrepreneurs where I share all of my best tips and strategy for successfully growing an online business + everything in between. Join at the button below!!

Ali Christian