One tip that has saved me thousands and made me even more

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One of the most rewarding aspects of being an entrepreneur is feeling an instant connection with other entrepreneurs. You both know the struggle and you both know the joy that comes with building a business. One of my favorite ways to not only support other entrepreneurs, but to save money in your own business + gain a valuable product or service along the way, is by trading services. Not only is this a great networking opportunity, but most of the time, long-lasting business relationships and friendships are made along the way. Have you ever considered trading services {or products} with fellow entrepreneurs?

Maybe you need some professional photos in order to brand your business more effectively, but a highly qualified photographer is too expensive. Which products or services do you have to offer to trade the photographer that would allow you both to win in your businesses? If you are a health coach and need someone to watch your kids for a few hours a week in order to work on your business, consider hiring a nanny and trading services with her to make it work for both of you. Does she want to get fit? You could offer to coach her for free or trade her one of your workout programs for some kid-free work time.


Trading services should always give both entrepreneurs involved equal advantage in their businesses. Think: What are some ways you could trade services with fellow go-getters?


I have traded services in my own business, and it almost always has been worth the effort. A few examples in my own business include trading products from my fitness business, coaching and more. Most recently I traded business coaching with my amazing photographer {shout out to Jessica Schenke at Bird On A Wire Photography} and my business has doubled in income since updating  my previous brand photos. Another example, outside of the online business world: My sister is having her baby delivered at home by a midwife who offered to trade her baby-delivering skills {don’t quote me on that} in exchange for painting her barn. {How cool is that?}


Now for the good stuff. Here are a few tips for successfully trading services in your business:

  1. Just ask

    I lead a MOPS group at our church, and this week our challenge was to make an audacious ask and live in such freedom because of Jesus that people leave the conversation with you, saying “who the heck is this woman?” Go out and live boldly for Christ and ask audaciously!
  2. Make it fair

    With that that being said, considering the freedom we have in Jesus, we must represent him well. We want to overdeliver, serve others better than ourselves, and be honest about our prices. Because let’s face it; otherwise we are stealing
  3. Barter

     If the trade you make is not exactly even, you could trade services and then some- additional services, promote their business, offer additional money, etc.
  4. Remember that money is not the ultimate goal - helping is

    This will teach you SO much about your business. Money is a way we can provide value to others lives, but it doesn’t have to be the end all. In the end, money does not bring happiness. Money is not what ultimately matters - people do.


Can you think of products or services that you are willing to trade in order to better your business? Or do you already know what you want to trade, but you have no one to trade with that you trust?

If so, I encourage you to join the Proverbs 31 Entrepreneurs community! This is a free mastermind group filled with female Christian entrepreneurs full of skills, encouragement, inspiration, brainstorming, sound boarding, and advice-giving for moving your business forward!

Ali Christian