I am still currently fighting cancer, but thankfully The Time Management Course was created prior to my diagnosis and is a self-guided online course. This course works just like an online college course in which you will move at your own pace and can email questions as needed. I do check my email six days a week and am always happy to answer questions to our course members. Cheers to being lifelong learners!
We offer this course with the upmost integrity and are proud to be able to offer such a meaningful course that has helped others just like you. Thank you so much to those of you who will choose to support our family in this way but, more importantly congratulations on taking a huge step in committing to be intentional with your time. We're keenly aware, now more than ever, that there's nothing more important than being overly intentional with the time we have.
Prior to being diagnosed with cancer, I was overbooked.
I prided myself on how much I could get done in a day with two small kids, a husband who worked full time, running my own business- all without a nanny.
I skipped meals and then shoved a handful of chocolate chips in my face to keep me rolling. I eliminated working out from my schedule because I didn’t have time for that mess anymore. I stayed up all hours of the night trying to finish that ‘one last thing.’ I ignored the obvious physical symptoms of something serious happening in my body because I didn’t have time to be sick. And worst of all, I missed out on (a lot of) time I’ll never get back with my babies, not because I wasn’t physically present, but because I wasn’t emotionally present as I was constantly consumed with the anxiety of my to-do list.
But then it happened. I hit rock bottom. I fell victim to the satisfaction & pride of getting it all done. I was diagnosed with stage four cancer after running myself into the ground for nearly two years.
The stress of trying to live up to my own expectations of being world’s most productive mom & wife & business owner & children’s ministry director & MOPS leader & blah blah blah took a toll. And by the time I finally carved out some time to go see a doctor about the anxiety + exhaustion + weight gain, I was in over my head with cancer.
There was no question about it, I had stage four cancer and I needed to stop everything- my business, the act of having it all together, my unhealthy habits, and even being mom and wife for a time so that I could fight for my life. Ironic, right?
Thinking back on the stress-filled life I used to live makes me twitch a teeny bit. I truly don’t know how I got it all done for so long. But I know why I did…
I masked my obsession with productivity by telling myself I was a martyr for people (which had to be Godly somehow... right?). Wasn’t I called to sacrifice for others and put others first and treat them the way I wanted to be treated and consider others as more important than myself? *Long exhale*
Here’s the thing… the items on my to-do list weren’t bad. In fact, they seemed really, really good. Planning MOPS meetings. Scheduling calls to support my newest clients. Teaching other women how to be more productive.
But, here’s the catch… I was getting it all done, while missing the entire point. I was productive but not present. I was giving away so many yeses to people, I couldn’t save my best yes for my people.
And I’m guessing you’ve felt this too.
That tension between your to-do list and your babies.
Feeling as if you really didn’t accomplish anything if your entire list isn’t finished.
Feeling as if somehow the things you did with your children today weren’t as important as the things you did for them.
Feeling confusion about when to say no.
Feeling as if you can’t be productive and present- It’s either raising babies who knew they were loved by their momma or world’s most clean house.
But, here’s the GOOD NEWS… you don’t have to choose between your family and your sense of accomplishment. You don’t have to choose between presence and productivity. It is possible to be a present AND productive woman.
The door for registration is closing soon, and I want to see you on my registration list before it does.
This is a highly effective self-guided online course created for women who are struggling to be both productive and present with their families. The objective is that you leave this course with all the tools necessary to bring order to your life and peace to your home.
With just one hour a week for the next four weeks, your life could look completely different in 30 days. All you have to do is click here to take action.
By registering now, you’ll get immediate access to this course that has completely transformed my own home as well as many others. So let’s do this. I can’t wait to see you on my list!
Still have questions? Check our FAQs about this course or shoot us an email here!
The Time Management Course
Cheers to being lifelong learners!
Payment plans are available, shoot an email to ali@alichristian.com to create your custom payment plan.