Live Training in Hot Mom Topics Our guest experts are the real deal and we’re bringing in the big guns- marriage counselors, behavior specialists, financial advisers, lactation consultants- you get the picture! Twice a month you'll be part of a LIVE training with an open Q & A time for you to ask all of your pressing questions!
Lifetime Access to The 'Taking the Struggle Out of Bedtime' eCourse! What would life be like if you AND your child could have a peaceful evening that resulted in quality sleep? This course will open your eyes to the mindset of a child and what they need to make a smooth transition into restful sleep.
A Mom Tribe Envision hanging out with other moms who will support you in the trenches of motherhood, pray for you, and be available to you when you’re in desperate need of adult conversation.without having to load up the diaper bag, car seats, or their bellies.
Downloadable Resources We’re talking a Family Meal Planning Guide {with a grocery list}, 'How To Become A Brilliant Money Tracking Machine Money Tracker, ABC's Clean Eating Cookbook, and oh-so-much more!
Prayer For you, your kiddos, your family- whatever you need, whenever you need it
And more... Y'all know we like surprises!