A Sneak Peak At My Personal Daily Schedule

Let's be honest, as an entrepreneur, you have the power to create your own schedule and spend your time however you'd like, but you also have goals to reach, people to take care of, showers to take, events to attend- you name it. One of the most common struggles my clients have is developing a productive schedule. How can you create a schedule that allows you to grow your business, spend time doing what you really enjoy, and not become a lazy bum or workaholic?

While I can answer questions and offer suggestions all day long, the most effective way I help fellow entrepreneurs develop the "perfect" schedule is by sending them a copy of my own personal schedule and breaking it down. I am all about being totally transparent and meeting you exactly where you are because I get the serious struggle, guilt, and frustration that can come from being unsure about one basic entrepreneurial essential: How to spend your time.

Whether you work a full time job while running your own business or are a work at home mom, here's the bottom line: You cannot be successful without a set schedule that works for you. Here are my top tips for maintaining a schedule that works for you:

Be flexible

I know I just told you to create a set schedule. And you must have a regular schedule you abide by. However, on days that include an emergency, sickness, or burnout, be gracious with yourself and take advantage of the biggest perk of entrepreneurship: Being your own boss.

Include free & fun time

One of the biggest mistakes I made when I started my business was using every single ounce of free time I had to work on my business. After a few months of this craziness I experienced serious burnout. Be sure to include time for doing things you enjoy & time for self-care {doing your nails, going to a movie with friends, have a date with your man, etc.}

Have flex time

Flex time is something I began to incorporate in my schedule a few months ago and it has been a game changer! Flex time is not the same as free time in that flex time allows you to rock with the ebb and flow of what life throws at you. For example I have a sweet neighbor friend who comes to visit unannounced. This used to overwhelm me with uncertainty about when I would be able to complete my work for the day with my tight schedule. But with flex time I know that I have flexibility in my schedule that allows me built-in time to catch up & I don't have to worry.

Get rid of the running to-do list!

Keeping a running list of random to-do items without an assigned day is detrimental to my business. I find myself crossing off unfinished tasks I simply don't feel like doing, that are actually vital to my business, because I'm sick of seeing them on my list {tell me I'm not alone}. Following a random to-do also sends me into a scramble each day to figure out the logistics of my day. For example, if Adalie has a doctor's appointment at 9 and I have a client call at 11:30 how can I be most efficient with my time? Instead of waking up each day and reinventing a new wheel, I have assigned vital tasks to a specific day of the week. For example:

  • Mondays are for networking

  • Tuesdays are for Discovery Calls

  • Wednesdays for Client Calls

  • Thursdays are for Live Video

  • Fridays are for analyzing my content

To get even more specific, I know that Thursdays I need to workout, get dressed, and have my Live topic planned before 11 AM so I can hop on with the ladies in the Proverbs 31 Entrepreneurs group early in the afternoon.

Be patient with yourself

It took me 6 months to figure out a schedule that really worked for my business, family, and sanity. With so many people to serve and coordinate I found myself continuously finding a glitch in my master schedule. Creating an effective schedule takes patience, time, and flexibility. Give yourself a few months to develop the "perfect" schedule {there's really no such thing as a "perfect schedule" thanks to a little thing called life, but give it a shot anyway}. Be prepared to alter your schedule every few months as dynamic changes.

Seriously consider how you REALLY want to spend your entire existence

Minutes add up to days, days to years, and years to a lifetime. Be careful and intentional about how you plan your days. Do you need to make more time to serve others? Should you prioritize your friends and family a little more? Should you commit to spending two hours a day being creative or playing with your kiddos? Don't take your schedule lightly, the result is how you've spent your entire existence.

Now for the reveal of my personal schedule:

You'll notice lots of green and blue which is time to serve my family, enjoy people, & regain perspective. And to me, that's the smell of freedom! My schedule is not jam-packed with business to-do's from light to dark, but instead I have systems in place that allow me to run a successful business even while I sleep, without lifting a phone to my ear or posting on social. When I share with entrepreneurs that I only work 4.5 hours {or less} a day they almost don't believe me. Most note that they were under the impression I must spend hours a day on social media, with clients, and away from my 19 month old in order to run a successful business. And secretly I love their surprised reactions.

Developing this schedule has taken careful prayer and planning and I've had to realign my priorities many times. I truly believe God brings us through different seasons- seasons to work harder, seasons to readjust, & seasons to rest. I am so thankful for systems I have in place that allow me to work less, earn more, and ultimately have greater amounts of time to invest in what matters most to me- my family and my clients.

If you're unsure about how to develop a schedule that works for you- with all of your responsibilities, goals, and passions, that truly allows you to work less and earn more, I would love to talk with you. Schedule a time to talk with me about how to regain and realign the vision you have for your life, live out your true calling, and run a successful business simultaneously.

Ali Christian