Three tips for improving your social media game

Do you look at social media simply as a platform to post cute pictures of your kids and pets? If you’re an entrepreneur, you should be viewing social media as a TOOL to grow your business. Instead of simply posting random pictures, be sure to post with purpose in order to most effectively leverage social. If you need a little help in the social media department, here are my best tips for leveraging this amazing tool:

1. No more blurry cat pictures

Post a picture of your baby, your pizza, your dog- whatever, but make sure it conveys the right message about who you are! Not every post needs to directly related to business {in fact, you’re better off not posting about your business 100% of the time}, but remember that all the content you put out will impact your follower’s decision to work with you or not. Be sure your content is professional, consistent with your branding, and truly gives off the message you want people to hear. For example, if your baby is the cutest little on the planet, congrats! But, don’t use this as an opportunity to share with every person on social media how much better your child is than theirs. Nobody likes a bragger and talking about how amazing you and your family is ironically pushes people away. Mind your manners and be kind.

2. The Secret Weapon

While you shouldn’t be directly relating every photo you post to your business, there is one subtle trick to intentionally connect your not-so-business-related posts with your mission: The Hashtag! Utilize hashtags that are relevant to your business and will help you grow your following. Hashtags allow you to post personal pictures and allow others to see a more “real” side of you, while highly qualified leads are able to network with you simultaneously.

 3. Stand out

Be sure your photos are high-quality and on-brand. What vibes do you want to give off for your business? Light, airy, and girly? Bold, fierce, and powerful? Even if you don’t relate your photo to your business via text or use hashtags, the quality and mood of the picture speaks just as loud. Be sure your photos are high-quality, just like you.


For more tips on running a business via social media join us at the Proverbs 31 Entrepreneurs where I share highly valuable content every weekday  + provide you the opportunity to connect with other kind hearted entrepreneurs who get you and your business!

Ali Christian