Build a Booming Business Without Spamming Your Friends

When I first joined a network marketing company in 2016, I had dreams of staying home with my children, adding an income to our household, and building a booming business. The upline I joined with made growing a client database and downline seem so easy. But after 5 months, I realized it was far from easy. Within the first 6 months I was ready to throw in the towel.

I was consistently using every strategy that my upline and CEO threw at me but wasn't seeing any return! And on top of that I was implementing marketing strategies that felt so icky and wrong to me. I sensed I was starting to use and lose friends as I tried to reach my goals. I was ashamed to talk about my "business" with friends because I felt so awkward about the spammy marketing strategies I used on social media.

I knew there was a better way to grow my business so I investigated for myself, hired two professional business coaches, and discovered one simple business strategy that increased my sales, had people ASKING to be a part of my programs & buy my products, allowed me to truly help people {instead of just sell}, stand out even as an employee of a company of thousands of employees, and leverage my network marketing company to create my own brand. 

Learn this exact strategy in my Free Build A Booming Business Class. After implementing the steps mentioned in this webinar you'll stand out as a professional and truly set yourself apart, even amidst a business where there are thousands of others working for the same company, with the same goals, on the same social media sites. 

To complete this class there are just two simple items you need to complete:

Step 1: Download your beautifully designed workbook to follow along during class, take notes, share with your team, and keep forever! You can download your workbook here.

Step 2: Choose how you'd like to join

If you're data savvy there is an audio recording, however using the video replay link, will allow you to fill in your workbook properly.

Please feel free to ask me questions as you go through the workshop & fill out your workbook. You're even welcome to reach out to me with random business questions you may have that no one has been around to answer. I'm a back-end business nerd, so fire away! I hope this training inspires you to do something crazy for yourself and your business. You know what that is, get it done girl.    

Ali Christian