Loyalty vs. Success


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Today I want to cover a topic that isn’t lighthearted or fun, and it isn’t easy to hear. It’s serious for your business and it’s important for you to understand in order to flourish. I have gotten on the phone with with far too many clients lately who have partnered with network marketing companies that are not paying these business partners for the demanding work they are doing. I can’t tell you how many times, just in the last week, I’ve heard, “I’m posting ‘the perfect stuff’ on my social media pages, but nothing is happening!”

If this is something you’re currently struggling with, let me tell you three reasons why this is happening:

  1. You’re in a business that is over saturated. If you are one of the first 100,000 people to join a MLM, you usually have the highest success rate of anyone in that company. This is because you joined before the market became over saturated with other distributors, coaches, marketers, etc. While the company you’re partnered with may have a strong mission that is meant to change lives, it is an unwise decision {not to mention, a weak investment of time and money}, to get involved with a company that is already above 100,000 people. Once a network marketing company is above 100,000, you’ll have to work overtime “convincing” people why joining this company with you, versus someone else, is an extremely valuable opportunity.

  2. You’re in a business that isn’t pro YOU. What is their business model like? Have you calculated the amount of hours you’re working with the amount you’re earning? How much do you have to spend to continue being active in this company? Are your earnings encouraging to you and a just reward for how hard you’ve worked? If not, this nasty cycle can be like working for a harsh boss who truly doesn’t care about his employees.  

  3. You’re in a business that is not easy to sell. If you are partnered with a company that isn’t “you,” meaning the products are not something you’d naturally talk about in everyday conversation, chances are that you currently are {and always will be} floundering in your business. While hard work is required in any business, marketing products that aren’t something you truly care about can be like fighting a constant uphill battle, sometimes your efforts are just not enough.


Let me just pause for a moment and address I realize I am selling myself out here. I’m a business coach and my business depends on helping you in your business. If you don’t have a business, I don’t either. But if you have been struggling in a business for a few months now, it’s time to reconsider how you’re spending your precious time and energy. If you’re in a business that is not profitable, putting additional stress on you, is not enjoyable anymore, and is also taking time away from your family, it’s time to move on.


Moving on can be a very hard thing when your business is something you are super passionate about + you’ve spent years building. I know this struggle from personal experience. I was a Beachbody coach for almost two years with loyal followers who still ask if they can purchase Shakeology from me because I was their one and only Beachbody girl. So, to overcome this heavy burden, I have three tips for you:


  1. Pray.  I will never stop saying this. There is so much power in prayer. When you don’t know where to go, God does and He will reveal His will for you when you pray.

  2. Talk to your loved ones. Talk to your husband, your friends, your parents, your kiddos! Ask them what they see happening in your business. Ask them what they see happening in your life. Are you happy, sad, stressed? They can tell us a lot about what we cannot see ourselves

  3. Journal.  Write down your goals, what you want to be doing, where you want to be next year. and think about how you’ll get there. When you have actual goals written down, it holds you more accountable and breathes life to passions God’s given you.. Also, when you’ve written down a road map to success and have a plan of action to follow, you are more likely to stick with it instead of “playing your business by ear.”


I know reconsidering a dream you once held onto with such great hope can be heartbreaking. If you’re anything like me, your business is like another child to you. Just like we must reconsider our intentions with the children God gives us, sometimes we must embrace the hard truth, that it’s time to let go of dreams we had for something we loved so dearly and move on. Reach out to me to me if you need help in this area and I will be glad to talk through this with you. I will help you pray and discover what your next steps should be.

A final note: If you’re seriously struggling and you need a new opportunity (or even just another stream of income that doesn’t take a lot of time and is honest work) reach out to me. Maybe you need some quick wins to encourage you and support you financially. Maybe you desire to partner with a business that works FOR you, instead of AGAINST you. Whatever your reason is, after doing MUCH research, I discovered a network marketing company that is exploding in the marketplace right now and will provide these for you. The people involved in this company are high level entrepreneurs that KNOW business -when to get in, how it works, and that timing is everything. If this sounds like a partnership that you’re interested in finding out more about, schedule a free call with me or send me an email by clicking one of the buttons below.

Ali Christian