Start Selling More


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If you are afraid to sell- it freaks you out & you get a little nervous and sweaty when you think about having to pitch your services, this is for you. “Sell” is a naughty word in the business world so we're going to start thinking about ‘selling’ in a different way- especially as Proverbs 31 Women. Here's the thing: If you are selling properly then you don't ever have to worry about pitching perfectly; You will be successful. I’m just going to go ahead and spill the beans by telling you upfront how to properly sell: If you are focusing on your clients winning through purchasing your services/product you’ll always be successful. If you are trying to sell a product or service to somebody who you don't truly believe needs it or  wouldn’t benefit, you're selling wrong. You may land a couple of sales, but you won't consistently make sales because you don't truly believe in your product or your service. On top of that, you'll be nervous and insecure & your audience will be able to sniff it from a mile away. Ultimately, make sure that you are focusing on the end result being a win for your new customer, not for your bank account.

Let me give you an example. I know that there are a lot of high-quality holistic products out there such as oils, shakes, etc. that can work for ‘everybody.’ However, if the person you're talking to is not interested in living a holistic lifestyle, you're probably not in the right market place. You don't want to be pitching to somebody who's not interested in living a holistic lifestyle because you can't truly help that person. Back up and go find your ideal client- somebody who's interested in living a holistic lifestyle. Let me also add, if you're focused on ranking up, building your team, reaching a certain prize, meeting your quota for the month, etc. that will reveal itself in one way or another (Luke 12:2) and you’ll lose all credibility.

As Proverbs 31 Women we need to remember it is our ultimate goal to serve people. We're serving our families, clients, and everyone else touched by our business. This doesn't mean we need to suppress the excitement & joy of landing a new client. If you make a sale, you need to celebrate. But, we must change our mindset prior to the sale to have the best interest of the potential customer in mind, ensuring the end result of the sale is truly the right fit for them.

If you're struggling to sign clients, here are four practical tips that you can implement to start transforming your mindset and increasing sales in a way that feels good:


1. Testimonials

Make sure you are collecting and reading testimonials about your business. Testimonials will completely transform your business because you’ll begin to truly understand how people are being changed by your product or service. I cannot put into words what a vote of confidence I received after reading my first testimonial from a client. It was then I realized I can actually help people through my business & this was something that I truly am qualified to do. If you don't have testimonials currently, start collecting sister.  Even if you haven't sold a single product yet, you can still ask for a testimonial from a colleague or family member who will share a character review about you and why they believe you are qualified to ___.


2. Ask yourself the question “Where is the win?”

If you stopped and asked yourself this question before each pitch and your heart truly desired for your client to get the win, you would land almost every sale, hands down.


3. Mindset

You need to make sure that you are confident in what you offer and that you truly understand sales. If your self-talk is along the lines of you being unqualified to lead a team of challengers, a network marketing team, or even a brick-and-mortar team you're simple not going to make sales. Your team will sense that you feel illegitimate and that will impact their mindset, ultimately influencing your customers to look elsewhere.


4. If you feel under qualified, hire a coach

Again, I cannot tell you what a difference it made in my business when I when I hired my first business coach. Having someone to remind me that I am extremely qualified + battle the enemy with me, is what truly allowed my business to take off. When we’re in our offices, behind our desks, or tuned into our oh-so-promising phones, it’s difficult to believe that we are totally capable. But, when we have a coach standing beside us, speaking life into us by reminding us that we are qualified, that's when we’ll really start to see growth in our businesses.


If you are struggling to make sales, join the free Proverbs 31 Entrepreneurs Facebook group and find a tribe of women who get you, love you, and pray for you and your business. You’ll also learn invaluable business strategy and biz besties to remind you that you are qualified. Click the button below to join, we’d love to have you!

Ali Christian